Here are some behind the scenes pictures from a recent video shoot for Uni-Farm: Episode 1. These were taken by my good friend Sean Esopenko who was recently married to Ljubica Todorovic I guess now Esopenko aswell.
I want to thank them and their parents for putting up with the extra headache I caused them around their special day. I am eternally grateful.
Also Garrett Baumgartner did a stunning job on this shoot with my makeshift camera gear.
خطوات بسيطة للتعامل مع تسربات المياه بشكل مؤقت
تعد مشاكل تسرب المياه من العقبات المنزلية المزعجة والتي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى
أضرار جسيمة إذا لم يتم التعامل معها بحكمة وسرعة. ولكن قبل وصول الخبراء، قد
يحتاج ا...