The Uni-Farm is an ongoing project and a guiding aesthetic force to disarm a sort of government/corporate rhetoric that exists in our collective consciousness. As a fictional corporate entity the Uni-Farm can absorb rhetorical theories and subsequent artifacts under its general umbrella of incoherence. In doing so I can turn these elements into modes of criticism.
We exist in a confusing environment where we are easily persuaded to squander our freedoms for the fleeting conveniences and safety of urban bliss. This is accomplished through various scenarios which include green-washing, radical free market models, and shareholder irresponsibility.
Compounded by crisis capitalism and a contrived fear of destabilized food supplies, a generational estrangement from the family farm allowed the Uni-Farm to blackmail and monopolize the food industry apart from a few rogue activists.
This web log will be a repository for the stories and images of this dark hypothetical human condition called the Uni-Farm.
The Uni-Farm has no relation to products, services, businesses, people or properties currently existing/alive or dead. any Instance is purely coincidental. If you take any issue with the use of "Uni-Farm" not "unifarm" or "uni farm" or if you feel it encroaches/taints your business/family image please hug your grandchild and fuck off. Blogs are not your personal suing ground. This is a story and an art project here people.